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Stevie Dix
England I love you, but you're bringing me down
4th May - 3rd June, 2017


Images / Press Release

For this exhibition Belgian artist Stevie Dix has created a new series of oil paintings. With these works, Dix has captured the intangible space in-between figurative meaning, shape and composition. Treated on their own terms, allowing form to take over any figure so as to catch-out both viewer and creator. Her work shows a raw, yet determined painterly quality, where anthropomorphic objects leave residues of human activity and they obtain a personality of their own.

Taking responsibility for the work and setting the scene, Dix’s signature (SD) becomes part of the composition. By leaving dirty fingermarks and edges, she establishes the literal surface where human- like figures can attempt to navigate in a world of form.

Her paintings bring up notional residues of almost recognisable meanings in the viewer’s mind. They create chains of associations allowing the imagination to start something new. Their ongoing rhythm and direction are compelling and their composition and framing (including that friendly signature and dirty fingerprints), make them feel almost like a staged dream.

There is a strong sense of opposing forces colliding. Her subject can be both highly personal yet universal. They are decorative yet representative. They are instinctual but thought through, they’re cold yet warm, experienced yet innate.