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Guy Yanai, featuring furniture by Rafe Mullarkey.
13th November - 12th December, 2015


Images / Press Release

Guy Yanai's paintings capture a visual culture somewhere between modern art and Tumblr, and take form in thick, paradise-hued brushstrokes. The works live where past and present meet, carving contemporary imagery into the historical timeline of painting, yet at first glance appearing uncannily evocative of 8-bit computer graphics of the 80s. This self-conscious relation with history intersects with the artist's personal feelings of drifting, dispersion and alienation in the world. Thus the assertive, bold edges Yanai traces onto the canvas act as formal cartography - as a gesture towards anchoring the image.

Rafe Mullarkey's limited edition furniture constructed from solid hardwood explores the decorative possibilities of domestic objects. Sculptural elements of contrasting surfaces and planes are used to amplify the sense of volume and structure, whilst simultaneously celebrating the inherent qualities of the physical material. The purpose of the piece, its aesthetic qualities and the traditional cabinet making skills used in its creation are of equal significance and this forms the basis of his design ethic. Traditional methods sit equally with contemporary technologies allowing him to produce unique work, which is balanced in both context and form.


Guy Yanai (b. 1977) lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel. He studied at Parsons School of Design, New York, before receiving his MA from Hampshire College, Amherst. Forthcoming shows include a duo exhibition along with Kaye Donarchie curated by Timothee Chaillou at Apartment, Paris.

Rafe Mullarkey lives and works in Peckham, London. He received his BA (Hons) in Fine Art at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria. His designs have been exhibited in the UK and abroad.